SeConS approaches the subject of migrations as a development phenomenon, but also as an issue related to social exclusion risks. Our research sometimes includes the issue of migration within broader topics of research, such as migration and local or rural development, employment, etc. In other cases, migrations are the main subject of our studies, such as the survey on irregular migrations in Western Balkans conducted in cooperation with IOM or the study on correlation between migrations and sustainable development goals, conducted in cooperation with UNCT, etc. Our experts have particularly dealt with the issue of forced migration and social exclusion risks, which presented a significant problem in the previous decades due to war conflict in ex-Yugoslavia. Studies on the position of displaced persons, refugees, asylum seekers and returnees are an important area of research for SeConS. In addition to research, SeConS experts have significantly contributed to the development of policies for managing migrations, analyses, monitoring and evaluation of various policies and measures, at national and local levels. Recently, SeConS experts also began contributing to the area of study and management of migrations through education, with training courses on migrations as part of a new study program at the Belgrade University.