SeConS – Development Initiative Group, with a support of UNFPA and UN Women conducted Rapid Gender Assessment in order to assess the impact of pandemic on women’s and men’s livelihoods and experiences. The main objective of the survey was to provide insights in how COVID-19 pandemic impacted livelihoods of women and men, and if and how it (re)shaped gender inequalities.
Rapid Gender Assessment (RGA) data was collected between 13th June and 25th June on representative sample of 1925 adult respondents using Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI). Research aimed to assess the impact of COVID-19 on:
• Employment and livelihood situation of women and men;
• Changes in everyday lives in regard to the household maintenance and family caring activities;
• The access to basic services, including health and sexual and reproductive health services;
• The situation related to personal safety, including gender based violence.