Public Policy Framework for the Implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals After 2015 – the Role of the Government of Serbia Ministries and specific Independent State Bodies
Public Sector Employment According to Political Party Affiliation: One of the Key Mechanisms of Political Clientelism in Contemporary Serbia
Report on the Position of Women and Employers in the Labor Market of the Jablanica and Pčinja Districts
Strengthening the capacities of agricultural advisory and professional services for gender-responsive service delivery including training on efficient irrigation technologies – service provider needs assessment report
Strengthening the capacities of agricultural advisory and professional services for gender-responsive service delivery including training on efficient irrigation technologies – baseline report
Poverty watch Serbia 2023: Re-investing in social welfare, putting people and the planet at the centre
Long-term care of older persons and persons with disabilities in the Western Balkans – regional study
Socio-economic position and reintegration of returnees under the readmission agreement in Serbia in 2021
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic and measures for its prevention on employment and working conditions of women and men in Serbia
Comparative Analysis of the Role of Civil Society in Providing Social Care Services in the Western Balkans
Evaluation of the National Action Plan for the implementation of the Serbia National Strategy for Gender Equality
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic and measures for its prevention on the socio-economic position of rural women, with the focus on agriculture
Public Policy Framework for the Implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals After 2015 – the Role of the Government of Serbia Ministries and specific Independent State Bodies
Are Institutions Providing Human Security? Trust in Public Institutions Across the Balkans and Turkey
Towards transparent and accountable institutions: suppressing clientelism and improving citizens’ trust in institutions
Intersectoral collaboration with regard to protection of children from abuse and neglect at the local level: analysis of local protocols
The Role of Community Development and Citizen Engagement Activities in Strengthening Civic Engagement and Government Responsiveness in Serbia
How laws are made in Serbia: The role of social interests and institutions in the legislative process
Public Sector Employment According to Political Party Affiliation: One of the Key Mechanisms of Political Clientelism in Contemporary Serbia
Access for Women and Children to Services in Rural Areas of Serbia and Proposed Measures to Improve Their Situation
Monitoring and evaluation of the project “STOP CARE CURE: a stronger institutional response to gender based violence in AP Vojvodina”
Evaluation of the National Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy for Improving the Position of Women and Promoting Gender Equality in the Republic of Serbia