The functionality of multi-sectoral cooperation in the protection of children from abuse and neglect is analyzed on the basis of official documents – Protocol relating to this area. The signatories to the Protocol are representatives of the institutions that are relevant to this topic.

The analysis showed that there are only 9 local protocols (out of 134) in which the protection of children as victims of violence is in primary focus. However, there is almost no local protocol related to violence, that in certain segments is not dedicated to children.

The exposure of children to abuse and neglect is seen primarily in the context of the family, and children are often referred to as a relatively homogeneous group. It was identified that almost no protocol in which is clearly indicated the period of its validity.

A map which gives an overview of the municipalities, where there are local cross-sectoral protocols on protection children from abuse and neglect, is available.

The survey was conducted by Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia – MODS in partnership with UNICEF and with support of SeConS.