Five UN agencies (UNDP, UNEP, FAO, UNWTO, UNICEF), in cooperation with national institutions (Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, and Tourism Organization of Serbia) implemented the project “Sustainable Tourism in the Service of Rural Development”. The main objective was to determine the structure and volume of total income derived from rural tourism, effects of public investments and local partnerships for this type of tourism. The specific objective was to determine the significance of events, child tourism and the importance of women in rural tourism.
The extensive survey covered all 19 municipalities in 4 target regions (Central Serbia, East Serbia, South Banat and Donje Podunavlje (Lower Serbian Danube basin)). Analysis of collected data showed that poor structural development, insufficient offer, low capacity utilization and other factors, lead to very low total income generated from rural tourism. This form of tourism can only be one of alternative income sources in the region, so that its role in sustainable development is heavily influenced by performances of other economic sectors.
On the basis of findings, recommendations were formulated for public investments, local partnerships, events, child tourism and women in rural tourism. Survey findings and recommendations were presented in the Report. This document can be used to develop a program for improving the sustainability of rural tourism and solving problems of rural areas suc