The new Sustainable Development Agenda guiding the World’s development policy till 2030 was adopted in late September 2015 at the UN GA. At the same time, the ongoing armed conflicts in the Middle East have caused an unprecedented flows of migration from the war affected areas toward Western Europe in search for asylum.
Considering current challenges of managing migration flows in Serbia, SeConS is conducting the assessment of how existing national policies addressing various aspects of migration can contribute to the implementation of SDGs relevant for migration in Serbia. The assessment has to contribute to migration policy management, by:
• Identifying gaps in the existing policy framework related to migration to respond to the SDG requirements, especially to migration crisis response;
• Mapping possible national indicators relevant for measuring progress towards the implementation of SDGs relevant for migration, focusing on migration crisis response.
The assignment is consisting of two main components:
1. comparative assessment of the compatibility of national migration policies with SDG Agenda, and with EU accession agenda;
2. consultations with representatives of relevant ministries, Government Inter-Agency Working Group for Mixed Migrations, CSOs, UN Agencies, Delegation of European Union and stakeholders providing support to refugees in Presevo and Sid.