SeConS – Development Initiative Group was given a second opportunity, with the support of UN Women, to evaluate the 2016-2018 Action Plan, which is part of the National Gender Equality Strategy 2016-2020 (NAP). Previous evaluation of the National Strategy was declared as one of the four best evaluations conducted for UN Women in 2015. The Coordination Body for Gender Equality of the Republic of Serbia has expressed the need for an evaluation of the NAP. The evaluation was conducted in accordance with UN Women standards, with the support of the evaluation management group and the evaluation reference groups that supported the team.
The evaluation was conducted in order to provide a systematic insight into the implementation process, the achieved results of the Strategy, as well as to make recommendations for the second phase of the Strategy implementation. The evaluation process involved 4 phases: an introductory phase, data collection and analysis, validation and reporting. Representatives of gender equality mechanisms, line ministries, public institutions, international organizations, women’s, feminist and other civil society organizations (CSOs) dealing with gender equality participated in the process, as well as experts who provided important information on that underpin the assessment presented in this report.
The main findings, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation should serve both project implementers and stakeholders at central, provincial and local levels, in order to improve the current situation by taking actions leading to the elimination of gender-based violence.