Analysis of the implementation of the Protocol for prevention of violence against children

Analysis of the implementation of the Protocol for prevention of violence against children

The objective of this national study, conducted by MODS and UNICEF, was to determine the existence and functioning of intersectoral collaboration with regard to protection of children from abuse and neglect at the local level. This research incorporated all social welfare centers and relevant municipal institutions in Serbia, in order to document the current status in all municipalities.

The second phase of research entailed a more thorough analysis, which provided a better understanding of factors contributing to, or obstructing intersectoral collaboration in this area, with the goal of creating a support program. It will be implemented in selected municipalities representing one of the following identified models for implementation of the protocol: a municipality where nothing is being implemented in this area; a municipality where an agreement was signed, but no collaboration exists; a municipality where all institutions and organizations collaborate on an informal basis, but the protocol has not been signed; and finally, a municipality where everything functions well.

The SeConS expert team was in charge of capacity building of MODS and its members, and prepared reports for both phases of the project.

Based on research results, a Map is given that provides insight into the municipalities in which there are local intersectoral protocols for the protection of children from abuse and neglect.