Parents and guardians of Roma children and children with disabilities showed, by their participation in focus group discussions, a great interest on the issue of inclusion of their children in the preschool education system. They pointed out the availability and quality of existing preschool programs in the territory of their municipalities, and then the reasons for not including their children in preschool program and circumstances that would motivate them to enrol their children in preschool program.

Directors of preschool institutions in the municipalities covered by the survey “Study on inclusion of vulnerable groups, such as the Roma population in preschool education“ indicated the obstacles they consider as key in including vulnerable groups of children aged 3 to 6 years old in the preschool education system, as well as ways of overcoming them.

Results of this survey will contribute to the implementation of initiatives such as the Strategy for Development of Education and the Strategy for Improvement of the Status of Roma in the Republic of Serbia for a period of ten years (2015-2025) as well as the Action Plan from this Strategy.