Dalibor Petrović

dr Dalibor Petrovic, Advisory board member and Consultant
Dr Dalibor Petrović (1973) is assistant professor at the University of Belgrade. He received his bachelor, master and PhD (2012) degree in sociology from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy. He teaches Sociology and Sociology of e-communication at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering and master course ICT and Social Networking at the department of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy. He is also a visiting professor at Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Dramatic Arts. Dalibor Petrović is one of the leading Serbian researchers in the field of digital sociology. He is the author of the first book on social aspects of the internet use in Serbia (U međumrežju, 2008). For his second book (Društvenost u doba internet, 2013) he was awarded with a Special Prize for scientific achievement in 2014 by “Informatics Association of Serbia“ as a first sociologist ever who won this award. Also, the same book was runner up in the competition for the best book in the field of sociology organised by Serbian Sociological Society (2014). Furthermore, as author or co-author he published more than 50 scientific papers in national and international journals and conference proceedings. He participated in a number of national and international research projects led by European Commision, the London School of Economics, UNICEF-a, and others. As an expert in the field of ethics assessment of scientific research, he is engaged by the European Commission in the process of evaluating H2020 projects.From 2020 he is the editor in chief of Sociologija Journal.
Key competences
• Design of quantitative and qualitative surveys
• Conducting research in online environment
• Implementation of network analysis in offline and online environment
• Statistical and qualitative analysis
• Preparation of analytical reports
• Policy analysis in various forms
• Development of training curricula and training delivery
• Monitoring and evaluation of projects and policies
• Project program management
Key fields of expertise
• Communication usage of internet
• Political usage of internet
• Business usage of internet
• Children in online environment
• Youth and Media
• Digital gap and digital inclusion
• Social networks and social capital
• Ethical consequences of technological development
• Petrović, D. (2013) Društvenost u doba interneta, Akademska knjiga, Novi Sad (in press)
• Petrović, D. (2008) U međumrežju-internet i novi obrasci društvenosti, SF&ISSIFF, Beograd
• Todorović, D., Petrović, D. i Prlja, D (eds.) (2014) Internet i društvo, Filzofski fakultet, Niš
• Petrović, D.,(2015).” Ethics assessment of technology research and innovation”, Mechanical Engineering in the XXI Century, 17- 18.09.2015, Mechanical Engineering Faculty University of Niš, Serbia.pp. 513-517. ISBN: 978-86-6055-072-1
• Petrović, M., Kaplanović, S. (2015). “Mogućnosti i izazovi upotrebe onlajn platformi za društveno umrežavanje u poslovnom okruženju”, XXXIII Simpozijum o novim tehnologijama u poštanskom i telekomunikacionom saobraćaju – PosTel 2015, Beograd, 1. i 2. decembar 2015. str. 67-76 ISBN: 978-86-7395-342-7
• Petorvić, D. (2014) Moć je u mrežama, pogovor u Kastels M., Moć Komunikacija, Clio, Beograd
• Petrović, D, (2014) “Društvena konstrukcija interpersonalnih medija – od telegrafa do interneta“, Objavljeno u Todorović, Petrović i Prlja (ur). Internet i društvo. Filzofski fakultet, Niš
• Nataša Petrović, Dalibor Petrović, Veljko Jeremić, Marko Ćirović. (2014) „Modeling the Use of Facebook in Environmental Higher Education“. In Mallia G (ed.) The Social Classroom: Integrating Social Network Use in Education, IGI Global.
• Petrović, D. (2013) “Specifičnosti političkog delovanja u sajber-prostoru“, u Jelinčić, J. i Ilić, S. (ur) Politički ekstremizam u sajber prostoru Srbije, CZRC, Zrenjanin
• Petrović, D. (2013) “Internet kao interpersonalni medij – slučaj Srbije”, Sociologija, Vol. 55 (3):417-438, doi:10.2298/SOC1303417P
• Petrović, M., Bojković, N., Anić, I., Petrović, D. (2012) „Benchmarking the digital divide using a multi-level outranking framework: Evidence frpm EBRD countries of operation”, Government Information Quarterly, Vol.29, No. 4, 2012. pp. 597-607. ISSN 0740-624X. SSCI lista (IF 2011 1,425)
• Petrović, N., Petrović, D., Jeremić, V., Milenković, N. and Ćirović, M. (2012) “Possible Educational Use Of Facebook In Higher Environmental Education“, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education-ICICTE 2012, Rhodes, Greece – July 5-7, pp. 355-362 ISBN: 978-99957-0-244-1
• Petrović, D. i Kovačević, I. (2012) “Distrust as obstacle to e-commerce development in Republic of Serbia”, Menadžment, br. 65
• Petrović, D. i Tomić-Petrović, N. (2012) „Internet u funkciji kreiranja društvenog kapitala njegovih korisnika“, Zbornik radova XXX Simpozijum o novim tehnologijama u poštanskom i telekomunikacionom saobraćaju-PosTel, 4-5. decembar, Beograd, 4-5. decembar, str. 87-96. ISBN 978-86-7395-304-5
• Tomić, N. and Petrović, D. (2011) “Right on privacy in Republic of Serbia”, An Informational Law for the 21st Century, Nomiki bibliothiki group, Athens, pp. 541-557, ISBN 978-960-272-791-1
• Petrović, D. i Tomić, N. (2010) “Sigurnost podataka na on-line društvenim mrežama“, SymOrg, XII međunarodni simpozijum Fakuleta organizacionih nauka, Zlatibor
• Petrović, D. (2009) “Internet u funkciji personalnog umrežavanja”, Sociologija, 51(1): 23-44, UDK: 316.77:681.324, DOI:10.2298/SOC0901023P
• Pejčić-Tarle, S., Ćićević, S., Davidović, M., Petrović, D. and Bojković, N. (2007) “Introducing e-learning concept at the FTTE – small steps for big achievements”, In Proceedings of e-Learning Conference – eLearning – Toward Effective Education and Training in the Information Society, Bijela, Crna Gora, str. 74-79.
• Petrović, D. (2007) “Od društvenih mreža do umreženog društva-jedan osvrt na makro mrežni pristup u sociologiji”, Sociologija, 49(2):161-182, UDK: 316.334:65, DOI:10.2298/SOC0702161P