The SeConS Development Initiative Group continues a series of training sessions in September titled “Technology Transfers in Agriculture for the Promotion of Gender Equality.” These sessions are intended for the network of advisers at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management and aim to enhance the capacity for the provision of gender-responsive services. Participants from all advisory services will gain practical knowledge on identifying variations in farm owners’ requirements and adjusting the work and training they offer to male and female farmers in rural areas. Additionally, they will be able to acquire knowledge regarding the social rights that Serbian citizens are entitled to and the supportive interventions that may be advantageous for rural residents, particularly women.

Five training sessions have been scheduled within the Serbian Climate Resilience and Irrigation Programme, for which the Government of the Republic of Serbia signed an implementation agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in 2019. The primary objective of the Programme is to provide funding for the construction and rehabilitation of essential irrigation infrastructure in three regions of Serbia: Negotin, Svilajnac, and Vojvodina. In addition, the continuation of cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management is foreseen through assistance in preparing the first Irrigation Strategy in the country and five-year Action plan.

One of the components of the project that SeConS participates in is the implementation of measures aimed at strengthening the capacities of agricultural advisory and expert services for gender-responsive service delivery.

During the training sessions, female and male participants will be given the publication Access to rights and services in rural areas in Serbia, which is available on the SeconS Development Initiative Group’s website.