Natalija Bogdanov

dr Natalija Bogdanov, Advisory Board member and Consultant
Natalija Bogdanov, PhD is a full professor at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture. Key areas of her academic research involve rural development and agricultural and rural policy. Most of her activities with regard to policy analysis focus on transitional reforms of agricultural and rural policies and institutional adjustments in the context of EU integrations, as well as socio-economic aspects of structural changes in agriculture and development of rural areas. Natalija Bogdanov participated in creating policies for numerous local and international research and development projects. She has successfully cooperated with international organizations (EC, WB, UNDP, FAO, SWG-RRD etc.), state institutions, local and foreign universities for more than fifteen years.
Key competences
• Developing and conducting research projects
• Policy analysis
• Quantitative and qualitative analysis
• Interpretation of results, technical reporting, preparation of policy recommendations, reviews of texts
• Developing and implementing training programs; preparation of training materials
Key fields of expertise
• Analysis of public policies in the area of agriculture, rural and local development and analysis of institutional frameworks and their impact on structural changes (evaluation)
• Analysis of budget allocations to agriculture and rural areas in keeping with internationally standardized methodologies
• Socio-economic analyses – macroeconomic studies of the agricultural sector, baseline studies of rural areas
• Analysis of rural household income models, models and types of agricultural holdings
Članci u časopisima
1. Bogdanov Natalija, Meredith D., Efstratoglou S. (2008): A Typology of Rural Areas of Serbia, Economic annals, 177/2008, pp. 7-29, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, DOI:10.2298/EKA081770078, UDK:333 ISSN 0013-3264
2. Munćan, P., Božić Dragica, Bogdanov Natalija (2009): «Production structure and sustainable income – farm models in Serbia», The Annals of Agriculture of «Valahia» University of Targoviste, p.p. 15-17, Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, Targoviste, Romania, ISSN 2065-2720
3. Bogdanov Natalija, Cvejić Slobodan (2011) Poverty and Social Exclusion in Rural Serbia– position of family farms, Economics of Agriculture, God./Vol. LVIII, br./No SB-2 (3-189),.(p. 3-16).
4. Papić, R., Bogdanov, N. (2015) Rural Development Policy – A Perspective of Local Actors In Serbia, Economics of Agriculture 4/2015; Belgrade; pp. 1079-1093.
Natalija Bogdanov (2007): Small Rural Households in Serbia and Rural Non-farm Economy, samostalna monografija; UNDP; COBISS.SR-ID 142365964; ISBN 978-86-7728-046-8
Berkum Siemen Van and Natalija Bogdanov (2012): Serbia on the Road to EU Accession: Consequences for Agricultural Policy and the Agri-food Chain, CABI, Oxfordshire, UK, ISBN 978-1-78064-145-4. Pp. 1-232
Fabien Santini, Silvia Saravia Matus, Geertrui Louwagie, Gert Guri, Natalija Bogdanov, Sergio Gomez Y Paloma (2012): Facilitating an area-based development approach in rural regions in the Western Balkans, IPTS – JRC, Seville, Spain; ISBN: 978-92-79-23184-1; doi 10.2791/74324
Natalija Bogdanov, Vesna Rodić (2014): Agriculture and agricultural policy in Serbia. In edt. Volk T. Agricultural Policy and European Integration in Southeastern Europe, FAO; Budapest; ISBN 978-92-5-108612-4. pp. 153-171.
Matteo Vittuari, Natalija Bogdanov and William Meyers (2012) Ruolo del capitale territoriale e diversificazione: applicazione al Sud-Est Europa, in Sosteinabilita dello sviluppo e dimensione territoriale edt. by Z. Andreopoulou, G.P. Cesaretti and R. Misso, Franco Angeli, Italy, ISBN 978-88-204-0041-5. pp.179-205
Battaglini Elena, Babovic Marjia and Natalija Bogdanov (2015) Framing Farm Resilience within Territorialisation Patterns: A Case-Study in the Zlatibor Region, Serbia; Ari Paloviita, Marja Järvelä. Climate Change Adaptation and Food Supply Chain Management, Routledge, London, UK; ISBN: 9781138796669; pp.119-131
Kotevska A., Bogdanov N., Nikolić A. (2015) Introduction – rural areas and rural development policy in Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina; in edt. by Kotevska, Martinovska-Stojčevska The Impact of Socio-Economic Structure of Rural Population on Success of Rural Development Policy; Association of Agricultural Economists of Republic of Macedonia; Skopje; Republic of Macedonia; ISBN 978-9989-2358-6-3. pp13-35;
Natalija Bogdanov (2015) Ruralni razvoj i ruralna politika, Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd. ISBN 978‐86‐7834‐227‐1. Pp. 1-301