On November 14, 2024, the Red Cross of Serbia hosted a conference to mark the launch of the project “Strengthening Health, Access, Participation, and Social Equity in Western Balkan Countries (SHAPE).” The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care, and Consumer Protection of the Republic of Austria. It aims to improve the status of at-risk groups, mainly the homeless and older individuals, with a specific emphasis on older women and persons with disabilities. The project involves Serbia, Albania, North Macedonia, and Austria.
As part of the project, the Red Cross of Serbia will develop activities for older individuals in Zaječar, Niš, and Sombor and establish information hotlines in Pirot, Velika Plana, Inđija, Belgrade, and Novi Sad. SeConS Development Initiative Group, as a project partner, is responsible for conducting research to ascertain the correlation between personal health expenditure and the risk of poverty in old age. Furthermore, the Red Cross of Serbia will be responsible for providing training to all stakeholders in the region on the prevention of violence against older women.
Manuel Aigner, attaché of the Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care, and Consumer Protection of the Republic of Austria, was among representatives of all partner organizations who attended the meeting.