Slobodan Cvejić

Dr Slobodan Cvejić, Director of Research
Dr Slobodan Cvejic is an professor at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy. He is one of founders and director of research at SeConS. Key areas of his academic interests and expertise are economic sociology and social research methodology. Most of research and activities focused on policy analysis he has conducted in fields of social inequalities, social and economic development and social inclusion. Dr Cvejic has taken part in both national and international research and policy projects. For over twenty years he successfully cooperates with international organizations (EC, DFID, WB, UNDP, UNHABITAT, UNHCR, UNICEF, DRC, itd.), state institutions, national and foreign uneversities and civil society organizations.
Key competences
• Research project design and management
• Familarity with key survey methodologies: Labour Force Survey, Statistics on income and living conditions, Human Development, Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Time use surveys, European Social Survey, World value surveys
• Quantitative and qualitative analysis
• Policy analysis and reporting
• Development of training curricula and training delivery
• Monitoring and evaluation of processes, projects and policies
Key fields of expertise
• Social inequality, poverty and social exclusion
• Social mobility and educational mobility in particular
• Social economy and entrepreneurship
• Problems of forced migrants
• Public policies with focus on employment, education and social care
• Social stratification and social action
• Civil society
Cvejić, S i Petrović, I. (2014) Očuvanje zaposlenosti kroz radničko samoupravljanje: slučaj oporavljenih preduzeća u Argentini, Sociologija, 3/2014.
Vuković, D i Cvejić, S. (2014) Legal Culture in Contemporary Serbia: Structural Analysis of the Attitudes towards the Rule of Law, Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, 4/2014
Lazic Mladen and Slobodan Cvejic, (2011) Post-Socialist Transformation and Value Changes of the Middle Class in Serbia, European Sociological Review, Vol. 27 (6), pp. 808-823
Bogdanov, N i Cvejić, S. (2011) Poverty And Social Exclusion In Rural Serbia – position of family farms, Ekonomika poljoprivrede, vol (58) specijalni broj 2 (str. 3-15)
Lazic, M. i Cvejić, S. (2010) Postsocialist Transformation And Working Class Fragmentation: The Case Of Serbia And Croatia, Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
Cvejic, S. (2007) Serbien: Überlebensstrategien armer Haushalte und Möglichkeiten der Armutsbekämpfung, Ost-West Gegeninformationen, Vol. XX, No. 1, pp. 17-21.
Lazić, M. i Cvejić, S. (2007) ‘Class and Values in Post-Socialist Transformation in Serbia’, International Journal of Sociology, Vol. 37, No. 3.
Cvejic, S i Babovic, M. (2014) Migration Flows In Western Balkan Countries: Transit, Origin And Destination, 2009-2013, Geneva: IOM
Cvejic, S. (2014) Experiences from Serbian Local Communities, in Szalai, Julia and Violetta Zentai, eds., Faces and Causes of Roma Marginalization in Local Contexts. Budapest: Center for Policy Studies, Central European University
Lazić, M. i Cvejić, S, ur. (2013) Promene osnovnih struktura društva Srbije u periodu ubrzane transformacije, Beograd: Čigoja i ISI FF
Cvejic, S. (ed.) (2013) Cooperatives and Social Enterprises in Europe and in Transitional Contexts, Beograd: ISI FF, ISBN 978-86-913927-8-9, COBISS.SR-ID 200264972
Cvejic, S. (2013) Platforma za sindikalno organizovanje osoba sa invaliditetom. Beograd: Forum mladih sa invaliditetom. ISBN 978-86-87969-02-5, COBISS.SR-ID 204078604
Cvejic, S. (2013) Penzioneri i nezaposleni u klasnoj analizi – slučaj Srbije, u Lazić, M i Cvejić, S, ur, Promene osnovnih struktura društva Srbije u periodu ubrzane transformacije, Beograd: Čigoja i ISI FF
Cvejić, S. (2011) Društvena određenost ekonomskih pojava, Beograd: Čigoja i ISI FF
Cvejić, S, Babović, M. i Pudar, G. (2011) Studija o humanom razvoju – Srbija 2010. Beograd: UNDP
Đurović, D. i Cvejić, S. (2011) Ruralni turizam kao činilac ruralnog razvoja. Beograd: UNDP
Cvejić, S, Babović, M, Petrović, M, Bogdanov, N, i Vuković, O. (2010) Socijalna isključenost u ruralnim oblastima srbije, Beograd: UNDP, (2010) ISBN: 978-86-7728-137-3
Cvejić, S (ur.) (2010) Suživot sa reformama. Građani Srbije pred izazovima ’tranzicijskog’ nasleđa. Beograd: Čigoja i ISI. ISBN: 978-86-7558-746-0