Coalition for Social Entrepreneurship Development (KorSP) will continue to strive for the improvement of the institutional framework for the development of social entrepreneurship in Serbia, it was agreed at the meeting of the Coalition, which was held on 7 September. The coalition, which SeConS will chair this year, will proactively work on the development and adoption of the Strategy for development of social entrepreneurship and its Action Plan.

European Movement in Serbia, in cooperation with other KorSP members in October will present a guide on social entrepreneurship and hold a workshop, which aims to show examples of social entrepreneurs to representatives of the Ministry, in order to demonstrate the concept and how it works in practice.

Social entrepreneurship is an innovative way for people to solve various economic, educational, health and environmental problems in their community through their work – pooling and using sustainable business models. The Coalition consists of the European Movement in Serbia, Group 484, Initiative for Development and Cooperation Serbia, Smart Collective, SeCons and Trag Foundation, and its mission is is pooling capacities and resources of members and working together on creating a supportive environment for the development of social entrepreneurship and raising awareness of key stakeholders on the importance of this concept to economic progress and sustainable development of society as a whole.