The Role of Community Development and Citizen Engagement Activities in Strengthening Civic Engagement and Government Responsiveness in Serbia: Ex-Post Evaluation

The Role of Community Development and Citizen Engagement Activities in Strengthening Civic Engagement and Government Responsiveness in Serbia: Ex-Post Evaluation

Within a five years cooperation agrement , USAID Serbia was partnering with SeConS to implement an ex post evaluation examining citizen engagement and government responsiveness in Serbia. The evaluation looked at three USAID projects that were implemented between 2001 and 2013 which focus was on community development (CRDA), local government reform (SLGRP), and civil society advocacy support (CSAI).

The evaluation focused on examining how these past projects contributed to increasing citizens’ engagement in their communities and local governments’ responsiveness to community needs and how and why or why not some of these efforts have been sustained until the present. SeConS was conducted desk research, as well as FGDs, phone survey, online survey and interviews with a variety of stakeholders involved with these projects to hear from them their experiences and impressions.

Evaluation findings provide USAID with a better understanding of how different project approaches worked in specific contexts and provide learning points for the Mission as it considers further programming in these areas.