The goal of this survey was to establish the prevalence of various forms of violence against women both inside and outside the family and to identify the most important characteristics, key factors and consequences of this type of violence. The survey was based on the main assumption that gender based violence is not a sporadic form of conflict, but stems from systematic gender inequalities established simultaneously in areas of both public and private life.
A special methodology was developed for the needs of this survey, based on principles developed by UNECE. This approach enabled data to be compared with other countries where this methodology was used.
Findings were used as a high-quality empirical basis for creating measures and policies, and primarily for developing a baseline study on prevalence and characteristics of gender based violence against women in B&H.
The survey was conducted on a sample of 3300 households and adult women. The results were extremely unfavourable, indicating that women in B&H are exposed to high risks of violence, primarily in their immediate intimate environment, in her relationships with her partners and family, as well as the broader community. On the other hand, involvement of relevant institutions in solving this problem is very limited.
Survey results and appropriate recommendations (grouped into three areas: a system for monitoring, a system for protection and raising awareness and sensitization) were outlined in the Survey on Prevalence of Violence against Women in B&H. This Survey is an essential resource for better identification of this specific issue and for creating well-informed, relevant and targeted policies for prevention of violence against women, providing support and assistance for survivors of violence, as well as prosecuting perpetrators and providing compensation to survivors.