Domestic violence has continuously been the most prevalent form of gender violence in Republika Srpska. Although it is recognized as a criminal offence, survivors are not sufficiently protected by law – in practice, laws are not applied consistently in this area. Research was conducted aiming to examine the situation in the fight against gender based and domestic violence, identify obstacles and offer recommendations for improving efforts of all actors. Functioning of institutional mechanisms of the judiciary system, RS police, educational and healthcare systems, social service centers, local non-governmental organizations, local governments and their mutual cooperation were analyzed.
Each individual analysis was conducted in keeping with a distinct methodology, by experts for each individual area. Documents were analyzed first, and based on interviews with representatives from local and Entity institutions, the following was examined: familiarity with the concept of gender and domestic violence, knowledge of the law and international regulations, implementation of laws and regulations in daily practice, cooperation with other protection subjects, previous education in this area and the need for further education.
The Final Report was prepared by SeConS consultants. In addition to a status overview, it includes general and sector specific recommendations for improving legislative and practical measures for preventing and fighting against gender based violence.