SeConS and Danish Refugee Council prepared a report on the situation of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Serbia and Kosovo to contribute to UNHCR/UNDP Joint Programming. In spring 2008, a survey was conducted among IDP population in Serbia and Kosovo in order to better profile these target groups, which, together with the Joint UNHCR/UNDP Mission report, and report of the Living Standard Measurement Survey from 2007 conducted among internally displaced persons, should enable creating adequate measures for improving the position of IDPs.
The study aimed at providing in-depth understanding of the IDPs situation in selected locations in Serbia and Kosovo. The resources and needs of displaced population in the selected areas were mapped, enabling proper planning of programmes and practical measures.
A database containing detail information on individual IDP families in selected areas in Kosovo and Serbia was established. Patterns/needs/resources/opportunities of IDPs were analysed, and then recommendations for improving living conditions and providing durable solutions for IDPs were defined.