The project was conceived as an investigative and analytical base for the ongoing social policy reforms in Serbia. The survey of a range of social services at the local level, conducted by SeConSov expert team was an important component of the project. In-depth interviews were carried out with various stakeholders in the social services segment, in several municipalities in Serbia, including local authorities, social welfare centers and nongovernmental organizations. The main objective of this research was to identify the current situation of social services at the local level and assess the needs of local governments, institutions and organizations, as well as social service providers.
The report developed from this SeConS survey was used as the empirical basis for the study “Development of Social Services – Towards Quality Standards”, compiled by consultants of the Social Innovation Fund and the United Nations Development Program in Serbia. In addition to a systematic analysis of current conditions in the social services sector, the study includes numerous recommendations directed at improving the quality of social services in Serbia.