The Baseline Study on the Entrepreneurship of Women in Serbia is part of the project “Advancing Women’s Economic and Social Rights in Serbia and Montenegro”, conducted by UN Women for the 2010-2012 period. The main goal was providing support to key government institutions for integrating gender perspective into their policies, programs, activities and budgets to combat gender based discrimination in the labor market.
The study is the result of an intention to pay particular attention to the participation of women in entrepreneurship in Serbia, bearing in mind its significance for making use of economic potential as well as achieving gender equality. This document is the first comprehensive document presenting the structure, scope and profile of female entrepreneurship in Serbia, as well as challenges and obstacles faced by women.
In addition to a status overview, measures which need to be implemented were suggested, along with conditions which must be created in order to include more women into entrepreneurship so they could operate successfully. The Study, therefore, is an source of information which policy creators in Serbia can use to establish a system for monitoring trends in female entrepreneurship on the one hand, and develop new and change existing policies in this area, on the other.
“Gender Impact Analysis of Selected Government Support Measures for Entrepreneurship in Serbia” (FREN) complements findings and recommendations of this study. Findings of the whole research are summarized in the publication “Findings and Recommendations from the Study on the Entrepreneurship of Women in Serbia and Gender Impact Analysis of Selected Government Support Measures for Entrepreneurship“
Only on Serbian language: Polazna studija o ženskom preduzetništvu – SeConS